Sunday, May 17, 2020

Single Parent Vs Nuclear Family Essay - 847 Words

Single-Parent Families versus Nuclear Families Once in society, it was absurd not to have both parents take care of their children. Parenting, it is a piece of life many people grow up with, and the way it is done keeps changing over time. In today’s society, the two most popular trends in families follow, still, the nuclear family, but now, also the single-parent family dynamic. The single-parent home and nuclear family may seem like they are quite similar, but they do have their differences. Single-parent homes and the nuclear family have differences: financially, affectionately, and just living in general. Financially, single parents have to maintain a steady job in order to support the family. Unlike nuclear families, single parents†¦show more content†¦For example, if one does not have a good job, whether it is low pay or long shifts, and the other parent has the same issue, or is unemployed, they may also feel the same problems as the single parents. The benefit of a nuclear family is that if that something does happen like an emergency, there is another person with them to equal out the work. Single-parent families may display affection differently than the nuclear family. For example, since there is only one parent, the parent may spend more time with the child and have quality time together. There can a time of bonding from just parent to child, but if the parent is busy, the time to display affection may be more difficult to find. Also, some parents do not show affection as often as others, and when only one is in the family, the parent may only express certain types of affection like asking how their children’s day were but can not make it to their sporting events. Unlike single-parent families, nuclear families can display affection easier as a family. Children have two different sources to go to for affection, and each parent may show it in different ways. Since different people express affection in different ways, the nuclear family has more of a variety of affection like maybe the mother always gives out hugs and asks how their day was, while the father may drive them to school or play around with them. When it comes to general living, single-parent homes and nuclear families have theirShow MoreRelatedEssay Advantages of Living in a Modern Family734 Words   |  3 PagesModern Family Nowadays, it seems that the traditional family structure is disappearing and the modern family is replacing it. The family used to be formed by the grandparents, the parents, their brothers and sisters and their kids, living together in the same house, but now the nuclear family formed by the father, the mother and their children, live in a single house without the rest of the family (â€Å"Nuclear Family†). 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